Jože Luzar
Education: – PhD (2020), Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, (Thesis title: “Design and properties of lime-cement structural injection grouts for strengthening of heritage buildings”, supervisor Prof. Dr. J. Dolinšek), – Master of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (2016), Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, (Thesis title: “Physical properties of high-entropy alloys Cu-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Zr-Al”, supervisor Prof. Dr. J. Dolinšek), – Diploma in Techniques of measurement in physics (2013), University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. |
Research interests: – Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science (quasicrystals, complex metallic alloys, high-entropy alloys), – Physical properties of materials (magnetism, electrical resistivity, thermoelectric power, thermal conductivity, Hall effect, specific heat), – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Experimental condensed matter physics. |
Present positions: – Lead expert associate at Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Solid State Physics Department. |
Employments: – Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Permanent position). |
Publications: – 7 original papers in the period 2012-2021 (as of 21st July, 2021) in international journals in the fields of condensed matter physics, materials science and nuclear magnetic resonance, – Invited lecture at international conference. |